Carmen Tebutt - MP Marrickville
People in NSW are rightly proud of TAFE – it plays a key role in tackling skills shortages, training the plumbers, electricians, hairdressers and chefs of the future. It provides educational opportunities for those who have disengaged from education for whatever reason and gives people mid career or re entering the workforce the chance to upgrade their skills.
Jamie Parker MP, Greens Member for Balmain
TAFE plays a vital role in supporting the cultural, social and economic vibrancy of our community and particularly in providing a second chance at high quality education, yet it has been continually attacked and undermined by both Labor and Liberal governments.
The Greens strongly support more funding for TAFE and an end to the casualisation of the teaching profession. TAFE teachers and workers need to be supported to provide a highest quality of education to students, recognising the great benefits that public provision of vocational education and training has delivered to NSW. The State Liberal government’s moves toward a competitive training market will not provide better quality or more accessible courses and will further undermine teaching and learning opportunities in NSW.
Paul Lynch
TAFE is too important to be allowed to be destroyed by the O’Farrell Government. It plays a critically important role not just for the aspiration of individuals but for the long term benefit of the entire community.
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